Grouping Students for Scheduling

Some schools prefer to group students into smaller communities for scheduling. For example, middle schools might want to group students with a team of teachers to strengthen teachers’ ability to monitor students’ academic and behavioral progress.

To build a scenario using teams, houses, and/or platoons, select them in the scenario’s preferences.

There are two ways to schedule students into groups:

  • Dynamic: You create teams, houses, or platoons, but do not assign students to them. The system assigns the students to the groups for you, based on what is best for the students' schedules. The system references classes, languages, and rules to determine the best assignments.
  • Note: If you don't use scheduling rules, you might not get optimum results from dynamic grouping. Be sure to set up rules first.

  • Example: Sixth grade English Language Arts has four sections. You assign each section to a team, such as red, blue, yellow, and green. The scheduling engine attempts to find the best team for each student, based on requests. You also have to assign teachers to teams.

    To change the groups the system puts students in, in the Build view, click the Student tab. On the Options menu, click Update House Code or Update Team Code.

    If you reschedule the student during the school year, the system asks if you want to keep the student on their current team or house.

  • Static: You create teams, houses, or platoons, and you manually assign each student to a specific group. The system abides by these assignments when creating student schedules.
  • Example: You assign Sally to the red team. She is automatically enrolled in the red section of English.

    To assign students to groups, go to the student scheduling parameters.

    In Aspen scheduling, you can use the following to group students: