Define School Remote Services Preferences

The school's Remote Services preferences configure the integration with Destiny for a specified school. See Setting Up Aspen - Destiny Integration.

To set up a school's Remote Services preferences:

  1. Log on to the School view.
    Note: Update this preference in each of the schools you want to synchronize with Destiny.
  1. Select School > Setup > Preferences.
  2. Click the Category drop-down to select Remote Services. The Remote Services preferences page appears.
  1. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
  2. Field Description

    One Search

    Database configuration

    Complete the following steps:

    a. Click Launch. The Follett One Search Database Information page appears.

    b. Click . The Assignable Databases page appears.

    c. Click next to the databases you want to make available. The Add Databases page appears.

    d. Select the options you want for the database(s) you added.

    e. Click Save.

    Destiny Integration

    Site number

    Complete the following steps:

    a. Go to the Reports menu, and click Destiny School Report.

    b. In the format drop-down, select the format you want.

    c. Click Run. A report in the selected format appears:

    d. Enter the School Site ID in the Site number field.

    Destiny Search


    Enter the site listed on the Destiny Admin page.

  1. Click Save.