Using Quick Charts with Analytics: An Example

Cindy Kelly, the guidance counselor at Bay Middle School and an Aspen system administrator, is comparing the number of student absences for this year for all schools in the district. The Attendance by Student analytic is run each evening. She wants to create a bar graph of the absent totals by school.

To use Quick Charts with Data Analytics:

  1. Cindy logs into the District view, and selects the Global tab, Analytics side-tab.
  2. From the Dictionary menu, she selects Attendance by Student.
  3. She then clicks and selects Bar Chart to bring up the Quick Chart pop-up for bar charts.
  4. She clicks Search icon. in the Categories (Horizontal Axis) section to the right of the Group by field to open a pick list, and chooses School for the Table and Name for the Group by field. She clicks OK to save her selections. For the Series (Legend Entries), she clicks Search icon. in the Series (Legend Entries) section to the right of the Group by field to open a pick list. She specifies Attendance by Student for the Table and Absent Total for the Group by field. She clicks OK to save her selections. She selects Total summation for the Interval. This will provide the sum of the values in the Absent Total column for each school in the district.
  5. She accepts the default for the Format and clicks OK.

The resulting bar chart appears: