Review and restore Gradebook data

Users with the appropriate privileges can view Gradebook data from a previous date, and revert current data back to that point, if needed. Run the Gradebook Restore Preview to view assignments, scores and other class information for a specified date.

Once you identify the date with the data you want, configure and run the Gradebook Restore procedure.

Note: It is important to control which user role(s) can access these features and where they are accessed from. Specify this information in the details of the Gradebook Restore Preview report and the Gradebook Restore procedure.

Note: Aspen must have the audit records available for the selected date. You cannot preview and restore Gradebook data from 90 days ago if your district only keeps audit records for 60 days.

Note: This feature generates many data audits. It is recommended that your organization implement a way to clear and archive audits older than a specific date for the tables defined at the Gradebook Restore tables preference. Otherwise, you could roll data back to the date when this feature was enabled, and significantly impact Aspen’s performance of queries on the data_audit table.

Example: You could create a custom procedure to run at the end of each term to delete and archive audits. Or, schedule a procedure to run each night that deletes audits more than X days old; then this feature only allows the restore to go back X days.

To use this feature, your district (root organization) must enable the Gradebook Restore enabled field (District [Root Organization] view, Grades category).

To enable Gradebook Restore preferences:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Click the District tab, and then click Setup on the Preferences side-tab.
  3. Click the Category drop-down to select Grade. The Grade preference page appears.
  4. In the Gradebook section, select Gradebook Restore enabled. The Gradebook Restore tables field appears, with a list of system tables that Aspen will audit:
  5. System table

    Object identifier

    Assignment tblGBColDef
    Assignment Submission




    Category Term Weight


    Gradebook Comment


    Gradebook Footnote tblGBFootnote

    Gradebook Garnish


    Gradebook Preference


    Gradebook Remark


    Gradebook Score


    Gradebook Special Code


    Gradebook Student Information


    Assignment Repository Item


    Google Document Instance

    Google Document tblConGoogDoc
    Section Reporting Standard tblSecStandard
    Reporting Standard Score tblStandardScr
    Reporting Standard Assignment tblStandardAsn
    Reporting Standard Weight tblStandardWgt
  1. Important: Your district can add or delete the system tables to audit. However, adding or removing tables requires complex customization of the Gradebook Restore procedure. It is recommended that you identify and describe the changes you want to make, and create a service request for Follett to perform the modification.

  2. Click Save.

Now you can run the Gradebook Restore Preview to see class data as it appeared on a previous date.

To run the Gradebook Restore Preview:

  1. While logged in as the system administrator, select the Staff view.
  2. From the Select Teacher drop-down, select the teacher whose class you want to preview.
  3. Click the Gradebook tab.
  4. Select the class from the Class List.
  5. Click the Scores side-tab. The Scores page appears.
  6. From the Reports drop-down, select Gradebook Restore Preview.
  7. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
  8. Field


    Orientation Select Landscape or Portrait for the report orientation.
    Preview date

    Today's date is the default. Select the date with the data you want to preview.

    Note: Aspen must have the audit records for the selected date. The preview will not display Gradebook data from 90 days ago if your district only keeps audit records for 60 days.

    Preview Time

    Defaults to the current time.

    Icon Mode

    Select the type of grading cell information you want to see on the report:

    • Dropped scores
    • Teacher remarks
    • Teacher footnotes
    • Student submissions

    This field can help you determine the correct date to restore.

    Example: If you are looking for a score with a specific remark, select Teacher remarks here, and see if the remark appears on the preview.

    Hide student names

    Select this checkbox if you do not want student names to appear on the report. You can run the report by Local Id or SASID (below).

    Alternate display If Hide student names is enabled, choose to run the report by Local Id or SASID.


    Select the format you want the report to appear in.

  1. Click Run.
  2. To preview data for a different date, repeat steps 6 - 8.

When you have determined the date with the data you want to restore, run the Gradebook Restore procedure (District [Root Organization] view, Tools > Procedures).