Reset user passwords

At the beginning of each school year, staff members might forget their passwords, or you might want to give out new passwords for better security.

Note: Intermediate Organization users can only edit user accounts that were created by their organization.

To reset passwords:

  1. Log on to the District or Intermediate Organization view.
  2. Select Admin > Users.
  3. Select the users you want to reset passwords for.
  4. Note: You can use a queryClosed a request to find a group of records that match specific criteria at a particular time or snapshotClosed a static picture of a particular group of records that you can file and easily retrieve to quickly select a group of users.

  1. Select Options> Reset Passwords. The Reset Passwords pop-up appears.
  2. Select one of the following to determine how the system creates passwords:
    • Mnemonic (a random 11-character string that may contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters)
    • Alphanumeric (a random mix of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers, no symbols)
    • Numeric (a random number containing the specified number of digits)
    • Constant (such as password)
    • Note: Follett does not recommend using constant passwords, because it reduces the overall level of security in the system.

  1. Type a date, or click Select Date icon. to select the date you want the passwords the system generates to expire.
  2. Click Update. The system stores the new passwords in the Generated password field.
  • To distribute passwords, you might do one of the following:
    • Select Reports> User Orientation Labels.
    • Create a quick report that includes the User name, Login ID and Generated password fields.