Quick Chart Example: Pie Chart

The affirmative action committee for the Aspen school district is studying the diversity of the student population. Members want to create a pie chart showing the percentage of students by race. Cindy Kelley, a guidance counselor at Bay Middle School and an Aspen system administrator for the district, volunteers to create the pie chart. 

To create the pie chart:

  1. Cindy logs on to the District view and clicks the Student tab. 
  2. She then clicks and selects Create Quick Chart to bring up the Quick Chart Wizard.
  3. In Step 1 of the Quick Chart wizard, Cindy selects New report and clicks Next.
  4. In Step 2 of the wizard, Cindy selects Quick Chart - Pie for Report Type and Standard Pie Chart for Format and clicks Next.
  5. In Step 3, Cindy selects the field to be used for the pie chart. She clicks Search icon. in the Categories (Horizontal Axis) section to the right of the Group by field to open a pick list. She can choose any of the available fields from the current list. Because she is specifying a chart where each slice of the pie represents the number of students in each of the possible values for the Race field, she selects Student for the Table, and Race for the Group by field. She then clicks OK to save her selections. She clicks Next.
  • Note: If you don't see the Race field listed, click the Show All Fields link at the top of the pick list.

  1. In Step 4, Cindy enters Aspen School District Students By Race for the Report title. She uses the default settings for the remaining chart format options and clicks Next.
  2. In Step 5, Cindy selects Save as and enters Students By Race in the Name field and clicks Finish.

The resulting pie chart appears: