Merge multiple contacts at the same time

If multiple contacts exist for many records in your system, merge multiple contacts at the same time to clean up all of your contacts. You can filter the list of contacts in many ways, such as groups by alphabetical order.

To merge multiple contact records at the same time:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Select District > Contacts.
  3. On the Options menu, click Merge, then Multiple. The Merge Criteria pop-up appears.
  4. mergemulticriteria.jpg

  1. In the Available Fields column, select the field that should represent a unique contact record. Then, click Add to add the field to the Selected Fields column. You can select as many fields as you want.
  2. Click OK. The list of contacts to merge appears.
  3. Use the Filter menu to filter the list by the following:
    • Active Contacts
    • Contacts w/ Portal Access
    • Alphabetical (A to I), or (J to R), or (S to Z)
    • All Records
  1. Find contacts that contain multiple records. By default, the first record is the record the system keeps when you merge.
  2. In the Action column, select Keep, Merge, or Skip to determine what the system should do with each record when you click Merge.
    Note: Only one Keep value can be selected for each group. Changing a record to Keep will automatically change the previous Keep record to Merge.
  1. Before you merge, click Preview to view how many records will be merged.
  2. Click Merge to merge the records.