Enable teachers to customize grade weights in District Average calculations

In most Aspen systems, district administrators create a grade calculation using XML that determines how component grades are weighted in transcript average columns. They then upload this calculation to the appropriate columns, such that the calculation is applied to all courses linked to that transcript definition.

Administrators can also determine via a preference whether the root organization has complete control of the calculation — thus standardizing term weights across the district — or if administrators at lower-level organizations can modify this and other transcript column attributes.

Similarly, as an administrator, you can choose to allow teachers to override the component grade weights used in the district grade calculation for transcript average columns. This feature can be useful for teachers who feel that the calculation is inappropriate for their courses, in that it puts too much or too little weight on certain grades. To enable teachers to override grade weights in the root organization’s grade calculation, you must set the corresponding preference.


  • Just as any modification made to a transcript column attribute at the intermediate organization level overrides the district-level column definition, teacher customizations of grade calculation weights override the district grade calculation and any custom calculations made by the intermediate organization or school.

  • Intermediate organization and school-level administrators can override the district preference if they decide that they want to enable or disable this feature on a local level.

  • Grade calculations that are grouped to specific grade terms cannot be customized by teachers. If you upload a grouped grade calculation to a transcript average column, Aspen will not include that column in the "Grade calculation weights" section in your teachers' class details pages.