Default User Roles A–P

Refer to the tables below to determine which default user roles you should assign to various members of your district.

Included are roles that begin with the letters A through P (Alignment Specialist through Principal). See also Default User Roles R–Z.

Following are each of the privileges in the Data Dictionary table:

  • Privilege Users with this role can:
    C - Create Create new records in this Data Dictionary table. This privilege determines if the Add option appears on the Options menu.
    R - Read View information in this Data Dictionary table. This privilege determines if a page is visible.
    U - Update Update existing records in this Data Dictionary table. This privilege determines if the Save button appears on pages.
    D - Delete Delete records in this Data Dictionary table. This privilege determines if the Delete option appears on the Options menu.
    G - Global access Gives user access to an unfiltered list of records for any table in the Aspen database that they have privileges for.
    M - Mass Update

    Update several records on a list. This privilege determines if the Mass Update option appears on the Options menu.

    Other Some roles need to perform tasks that require extra privileges. The Other column displays additional access and privileges users have with the data for some areas. Select a checkbox to give the role access to the specific data or action. Deselect a checkbox to restrict access to the data or action.
    Example: An enrollment manager needs to be able to override enrollment restrictions.
  • Alignment Specialist

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on
    • Administrators who implement curriculum

    • District

    • School

    • Create, read, update, and delete the curriculum document structure and curriculum map.

    Security Access - Alignment Specialist
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Learning Standard            
    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Group        
    • Administer all groups

    • Mass create groups

    • Side tab access

    Core Job Entry


    Core Person    


    Curriculum Curriculum Document Structure  
    Curriculum Curriculum Instance  
    Curriculum Curriculum Map
    • Delete root map

    Curriculum Curriculum Narrative  
    Curriculum Lesson Plan  
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Course  
    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule Schedule Period          


    Schedule School Course
    • Allow clone school course

    School School    
    • Global school access

    Security User    
    • Submit support tickets

    Staff Staff            
    Student Student            
    Student Student Contact            

    All School Users

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on
    • Staff needing access to all schools in district
    • School
    • No extra privileges within school
    • Create direct SQL query search
    • Edit Home page layout
    • Global school access
    Security Access - All School Users
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core At Risk Result          
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search
    Core System Preference          
    • Edit home page layout

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    School School            
    • Global school access

    Conduct Manager

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on combined with other roles
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Staff that manage student conduct incidents and actions, for example, school principals, non-administrators (secretaries, teacher leaders, etc.)
    • School


    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update conduct incidents and assign actions
    • Override conduct restrictions
    • Manage district owned resources
    • Manage school owned resources
    • View student information, including addresses, phone numbers, alerts, attendance and conduct history
    • View which addresses attend which schools
    • Create direct SQL query search
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View staff information
    • View the master schedule and schedule periods
    Security Access - Conduct Manager
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core Address            
    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Grid Code          


    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Staff Staff            
    Student Related Student            
    Student Student            
    Student Student Alert            
    Student Student Attendance            
    Student Student Conduct Action Date    
    Student Student Conduct Incident  
    • Override conduct restrictions

    Curriculum Coordinator

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on
    • Administrators who implement curriculum
    • School


    • Create, read, update, and delete the curriculum document structure and curriculum map.
    Security Access - Curriculum Coordinator
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Learning Standard            
    Core At Risk Result            
    Curriculum Curriculum Document Structure            
    Curriculum Curriculum Instance      
    Curriculum Curriculum Map    


    Curriculum Curriculum Narrative      
    Curriculum Lesson Plan  
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Bell            
    Schedule Schedule Day            
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Schedule Schedule Preference Definition            
    Schedule Schedule Rule            
    Schedule Schedule Rule Definition            
    Schedule Schedule Term            

    Curriculum Manager

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on
    • Teachers that work with curriculum maps
    • Staff


    • Create, read, update, and delete the curriculum document structure and curriculum map.
    Security Access - Curriculum Manager
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Curriculum Curriculum Document Structure      
    Curriculum Curriculum Map    
    • Delete root map

    Curriculum Curriculum Narrative  
    Curriculum Lesson Plan  
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Ed Plan Administrator

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on combined with other roles
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Staff that manage educational plans, such as 504 plans and IEPs for non-Special Education students
    • School
    • No access to IEPs
    • Create and manage educational plans for non-Special Education students
    • View staff information
    • View student information, including contact and independent contact information
    • Create direct SQL query search
    • Edit Home page layout
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update student accommodation and disability codes
    Security Access - Ed Plan Administrator
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core At Risk Result          


    Core Contact            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Special Education Student Accommodation    
    Special Education Student Disability    
    Staff Staff            
    Student Student            
    Student Student Contact            
    Student Student Ed. Plan  

    Enrollment Manager

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on
    • Office personnel who are part of the enrollment process
    • District
    • School
    • Cannot register or use registration wizard for new students, only change enrollment status of registered students
    • Create, read, update, delete and mass update enrollment records for existing students
    • Directly add enrollment without going through registration process
    • Override enrollment restrictions
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    Security Access - Enrollment Manager
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core At Risk Result          


    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Student Student Enrollment  
    • Directly add enrollment records

    • Override enrollment restrictions

    Exams Officer

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on
    • For U.K. use only
    • District

    • School

    Security Access - Exams Officer
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Entry  
    Assessment Exam Entry Control    
    Assessment Exam Result
    • Override blackout date-range

    Assessment Exam Season  
    Assessment Exam Series  
    Assessment Exam Timetable  
    Core At Risk Result            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Schedule Master            
    School School Classroom          
    Student Student            

    Extracurricular District Admin

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add on

    • District extracurricular administrators

    • District

    • School

    • Staff

    • View the programs they are associated with.

    • Add or delete program administrators (if Global Manager is enabled for their user role).

    • Add, withdraw, and re-enroll students in a program, and update their status (To do so, Global Manager must be enabled for their user role. Also, the Manager checkbox must be selected for the user on the Extracurricular Programs details page [School view, Extracurriculars > Extracurricular Programs].

    • Create an event for an extracurricular activity, such as a concert or match.

    • Take attendance at the event.

    • Run the Extracurricular Eligibility Status procedure.

    Security Access - Extracurricular District Admin
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Extracurricular Extracurricular Program  


    Extracurricular Extracurricular School Program        
    • Global Manager

    Extracurricular School Admin

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on combined with other roles
    • Extracurricular program managers

    • School

    • Staff


    In the School view:

    • Assign program administrators
    • Add students to the program
    • Create an event for the activity
    • Take attendance at the event
    • Run the Extracurricular Eligibility Status procedure to see if students meet the district's criteria

    In the Staff view:

    • View the programs they are associated with
    • Add or delete program administrators (if Global Manager is enabled for their role)
    • Add, withdraw and re-enroll students in a program and update their status (if Global Manager is enabled for their role)
    • Create an event for the activity
    • Take attendance at the event
    • Run the Extracurricular Eligibility Status procedure to see if students meet the district's criteria
    Security Access - Extracurricular School Admin
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Extracurricular Extracurricular School Program          


    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Main
    • Parents and guardians of students
    • Family


    • Track information about their students, including academics, address, alerts, attendance, conduct history, contacts, independent contacts, course requests, educational plans, enrollment, events, fees, groups, health, schedule
    • Create, read, update, and delete assignments with the assignment submission tool
    • View which addresses attend which schools
    • Create, read, update, and delete email subscriptions and view all available subscriptions
    • View information about the school’s schedule and its attributes, such as the master schedule, courses and course attributes, bell schedules, periods, terms, and classrooms
    • View staff information
    • Edit Home page layout
    Security Access - Family
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Entry            
    Assessment Exam Result            
    Assessment Exam Season            
    Assessment Exam Series            
    Assessment Exam Timetable            
    Assessment Learning Standard            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Assignment            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score            
    Assessment Rubric Definition            
    Assessment Rubric Learning Standard            
    Assessment Section Reporting Standard            
    Core Address            
    Core Contact          


    Core Grid Code            
    Core Subscription      
    Core Subscription Definition          


    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Curriculum Curriculum Instance            
    Curriculum Curriculum Map            
    Curriculum Curriculum Narrative            
    Curriculum Lesson Plan            
    Grades Assignment            
    Grades Assignment Submission      
    Grades GPA Definition            
    Grades Grade Scale            
    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Grades Gradebook Remark            
    Grades Gradebook Score            
    Grades Student Credit Adjustment            
    Grades Student Grade Point            
    Grades Student Transcript            
    Grades Transcript Definition            
    Graduation Graduation Program            
    Graduation Graduation Student Program            
    Health Health Condition            
    Health Health Immunization Definition            
    Health Health Immunization Dose            
    Health Health Immunization Series            
    Health Health Job            
    Health Health Log            
    Health Health Medication Order            
    Health Health Screening            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Academic Track            
    Schedule Course            
    Schedule Schedule Bell            
    Schedule Schedule Day            
    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Schedule Schedule Term            
    Schedule School Course            
    Schedule School Course Schedule Attributes            
    Schedule Student Schedule            
    Schedule Student Schedule Attributes            
    School School Classroom            
    School School Schedule Context            
    Staff Staff            
    Student Student            
    Student Student Alert            
    Student Student Assessment            
    Student Student Attendance            
    Student Student Class Attendance            
    Student Student Conduct Incident            
    Student Student Contact            
    Student Student Course Request      
    Student Student Enrollment          


    Student Student School Association            

    Global Read-Only User (No Health, No Special Ed.)

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on combined with other roles
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Users that need read-only privileges to wide-variety of information
    • Base role for principals (depending on their needs, they can also be given roles of Conduct Manager, Schedule Builder, etc.)
    • Central Office staff combined with All School user role to access information from all schools in district without edit ability
    • District
    • School
    • Staff
    • Build
    • Cannot create or update any data in Aspen
    • View data from across multiple departments in school
    • View assessment information, including learning standards, learning standards assignment and course alignments, rubric scores, the rubric library, and rubric rating scales
    • View student addresses, phone numbers, contacts, families, independent contacts, alerts, and a list of which addresses attend which schools
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View grading information such as assignments, grade post controls, grade scales, grade terms, scores, remarks, seating charts, credit adjustments, transcripts, and the setup of report cards and progress reports
    • View information about the school schedule, information about classrooms, courses, bell schedule, days, periods, terms, the master schedule, and student schedules
    • View information about staff, including PD District Goals, accrual time, attendance, certifications, leaves and schools with which they are associated
    • View information about students, including assessment history, attendance, conduct history, contacts, course requests, enrollment, and program participation
    Security Access - Global Read-Only User (No Health, No Special Ed.)
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Timetable            
    Assessment Learning Standard            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Assignment            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score            
    Assessment Rubric Assessment            
    Assessment Rubric Definition            
    Assessment Rubric Learning Standard            
    Assessment Section Reporting Standard            
    Core Address            
    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Contact          


    Core Documents          


    Core Family            
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Person Appointment            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    District Data Foreign Field Mapping            
    District Validated Field Procedure            
    Grades Assignment            
    Grades Grade Post Control            
    Grades Grade Scale            
    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Grades Gradebook Remark            
    Grades Gradebook Score            
    Grades Gradebook Seating Chart            
    Grades Gradebook Student Information            
    Grades Student Credit Adjustment            
    Grades Student Transcript            
    Grades Transcript Definition            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Course            
    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Bell            
    Schedule Schedule Day            
    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Schedule Schedule Term            
    Schedule School Course            
    Schedule Student Schedule            
    School School Classroom            
    Staff PD Improvement Goal            
    Staff Staff            
    Staff Staff Accrual            
    Staff Staff Attendance            
    Staff Staff Certification            
    Staff Staff Leave            
    Staff Staff School Association            
    Student Related Student            
    Student Student            
    Student Student Alert            
    Student Student Assessment            
    Student Student Attendance            
    Student Student Class Attendance            
    Student Student Conduct Incident            
    Student Student Contact            
    Student Student Course Request            
    Student Student Enrollment            
    Student Student Program Participation            

    Grading Manager

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on combined with other role
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Staff that manages school’s grading systems
    • School


    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update grading information, such as assignments, GPA definition, grade post controls, grade term definition, grade trends, gradebook access log, gradebook remarks, scores, student information, qualification lists, student credit adjustment, progress reports, report cards, grading scales, rubrics, GPAs, and transcripts
    • Create, read, update and delete student addresses and phone numbers and view the list of which addresses attend which schools
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View schedule information, including the master schedule, courses, classrooms, and student schedules
    • View Special Education information, including IEPs, student accommodations and student disabilities
    • View student information, including alerts, assessments, attendance, educational plans, and enrollment

    Security Access - Grading Manager

    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Timetable            
    Assessment Learning Standard  
    • Set course alignments in Staff View

    Assessment Reporting Standard Score    
    Assessment Rubric Assessment    
    Assessment Rubric Definition    
    Assessment Rubric Learning Standard    
    Assessment Section Reporting Standard  
    • Manage district standards

    Core Address      
    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Grades Assignment    
    Grades GPA Definition    
    Grades Grade Post Control    
    Grades Grade Scale    
    Grades Grade Term Definition    
    Grades Grade Trend    
    Grades Gradebook Access Grant    
    Grades Gradebook Remark    
    Grades Gradebook Score    
    Grades Gradebook Student Information    
    Grades Qualification List    
    Grades Student Credit Adjustment    
    Grades Student Grade Point    
    Grades Student Transcript    
    Grades Transcript Definition    
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule School Course            
    Schedule Student Schedule            
    School School Classroom            
    Special Education IEP Data            
    Special Education Student Accommodation            
    Special Education Student Disability            
    Staff Staff            
    Student Student            
    Student Student Alert            
    Student Student Assessment      
    Student Student Attendance            
    Student Student Ed. Plan            
    Student Student Enrollment            

    Graduation Requirements Manager

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on combined with other roles
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Staff that manages district’s graduation requirements
    • District
    • School


    • Create Programs of Study to set up and track students’ graduation requirements
    • Edit Home page layout
    • Create direct SQL query
    Security Access - Graduation Requirements Manager
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core At Risk Result          


    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Graduation Graduation Program    
    Graduation Graduation Student Program    
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Guidance Counselor

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on combined with other roles
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Guidance Office personnel
    • School


    • Create, read, update, and delete rubric scores, libraries, and scales
    • Create, read, update and delete student addresses, phone numbers, contacts, and documents
    • Read and update information about families and view what addresses attend which schools
    • Create direct SQL query search
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View grading information, including GPA definitions, grade post controls, grade scales, grade term definitions, gradebook remarks, student grade points, and the setup of report cards and progress reports
    • Create, read, update, and delete student credit adjustments and read and update student transcripts
    • View schedule information including courses, classrooms, days, periods, and terms
    • Create, read, update, and delete student schedules
    • Create, read, update and delete student information, including assessments, conduct, contacts, and course requests
    • View student alerts, attendance, educational plans, enrollment, and school association
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update student journals
    • View special education information, including IEP data, student accommodations, and disabilities
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update student graduation programs
    Security Access - Guidance Counselor
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Timetable            
    Assessment Learning Standard    


    Assessment Rubric Assessment      
    Assessment Rubric Definition      
    Assessment Rubric Learning Standard      
    Assessment Section Reporting Standard    


    Core Address      
    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Contact      
    Core Documents    


    Core Family          
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Grades GPA Definition            
    Grades Grade Post Control            
    Grades Grade Scale            
    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Grades Gradebook Remark            
    Grades Student Credit Adjustment      
    Grades Student Grade Point            
    Grades Student Transcript        
    • Override grade level

    Grades Transcript Definition            
    Graduation Graduation Program            
    Graduation Graduation Student Program    
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Course            
    Schedule Room Schedule Attributes    
    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Day            
    Schedule Schedule Feedback      
    Schedule Schedule Master          
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Schedule Schedule Term            
    Schedule School Course            
    Schedule Student Schedule      
    Schedule Student Schedule Attributes    
    School Assessment Definition      
    School School Classroom            
    School School Schedule Context            
    Special Education IEP Data            
    Special Education Student Accommodation            
    Special Education Student Disability            
    Staff Staff            
    Student Related Student            
    Student Student          
    Student Student Alert            
    Student Student Assessment      
    Student Student Attendance            
    Student Student Conduct Action Date      
    Student Student Conduct Incident      
    Student Student Contact      
    Student Student Course Request      
    Student Student Ed. Plan            
    Student Student Enrollment            
    Student Student Journal    
    Student Student School Association            

    Health Manager

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on
    • Staff that manages health reference tables and health information in Aspen
    • Health
    • No access to students’ health information, just the reference tables
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • Mass update system preferences
    • Create, update, and delete reference codes
    • Allow doses with no date, skipped doses, and waived doses
    • Health log administrative override
    • Set medical alerts
    • Group scheduling access
    • Rebuild section in School view
    Security Access - Health Manager
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference          
    • Edit home page layout

    District Reference Code - Common        
    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Health Health Immunization Dose            
    • Allow no date doses

    • Allow skipped doses

    • Allow waived doses

    Health Health Log            
    • Health log administrative override

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass


    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Combined with Staff Role and school assignment for teachers
    • Add-on for any staff teaching a course’s section
    • Teachers
    • Staff


    • Read learning standards and learning standard course alignments
    • Create, read, update, and delete learning standards assignment alignments
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update rubric scores; and view rubric libraries and scales
    • Manage and edit their gradebook and class web pages
    • View student information, including contacts, independent contacts, alerts, assessments, conduct history, educational plans, enrollment, events, program participation, and school association
    • Create, read, update, and delete student attendance and course requests
    • View district groups, families, and contacts
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View curriculum document structure and curriculum map
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update seating charts, assignments, categories, scores, grade scales, gradebook remarks, special codes, footnotes, and gradebook student information
    • Create, read, update, and delete assignments on the assignment submission tool and entries on their user access log
    • View grade post controls and grade term definitions
    • Create, read, update and delete transcript, graduation progress, credit summary, grade point summary, and graduation summary information
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update the setup of report cards and progress reports
    • View information about schedules, including academic tracks, master schedule, bell schedules, periods, days, rules, terms courses, course attributes, course requests, student schedules, and student schedule attributes
    • View information about special education, including student IEPs, accommodations, disabilities
    • Create, read, and update the history of attendance records they have posted
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update student journal
    Security Access - Instructor
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Timetable            
    Assessment Learning Standard            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Assignment      
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score    
    Assessment Rubric Assessment    
    Assessment Rubric Definition            
    Assessment Rubric Learning Standard      
    Assessment Section Reporting Standard      
    Core Comment Bank Table    
    Core Contact            
    Core Family            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Curriculum Curriculum Document Structure            
    Curriculum Curriculum Instance      
    Curriculum Curriculum Map            
    Curriculum Curriculum Narrative      
    Curriculum Lesson Plan      
    Grades Assignment    
    Grades Assignment Submission      
    Grades Grade Post Control            
    Grades Grade Scale    
    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Grades Gradebook Access Grant      
    Grades Gradebook Remark    
    Grades Gradebook Score    
    Grades Gradebook Seating Chart    
    Grades Gradebook Student Information    
    Grades Student Transcript      
    Grades Target Grade            
    Grades Transcript Definition    
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Academic Track            
    Schedule Course            
    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Bell            
    Schedule Schedule Day            
    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Schedule Schedule Rule            
    Schedule Schedule Term            
    Schedule School Course            
    Schedule School Course Schedule Attributes            
    Schedule Student Schedule            
    Schedule Student Schedule Attributes            
    School School Schedule Context            
    Special Education IEP Data          


    Special Education Student Accommodation            
    Special Education Student Disability            
    Staff Staff Attendance Sub            
    Staff Staff Post Attendance        
    Student Student            
    Student Student Alert            
    Student Student Assessment            
    Student Student Attendance      
    Student Student Class Attendance      
    Student Student Conduct Incident            
    Student Student Contact            
    Student Student Course Request      
    Student Student Ed. Plan            
    Student Student Enrollment          


    Student Student Event Tracking            
    Student Student Journal    
    Student Student Program Participation            
    Student Student School Association            


    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Nurses
    • Health


    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update health information including immunizations, screenings, medications, conditions, alerts, office visits
    • Set medical alerts
    • View student information, including addresses, phone numbers, contacts, independent contacts, attendance, conduct history, enrollment, events, program participation, and schools with which they are associated
    • View which addresses attend which schools
    • Create direct SQL query search
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View student schedules and the master schedule
    • View staff information
    Security Access - Nurse
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core Address          


    Core Contact            
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Health Health Condition    
    Health Health Immunization Definition    
    Health Health Immunization Dose    
    Health Health Immunization Series    
    Health Health Job    
    Health Health Log  


    Health Health Medication Order    
    Health Health Screening  
    • Administer all screenings

    • Administer screenings details

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule Student Schedule            
    Staff Staff            
    Student Related Student            
    Student Student            
    Student Student Alert  
    • Set medical alerts

    Student Student Attendance            
    Student Student Conduct Incident            
    Student Student Contact            
    Student Student Enrollment            
    Student Student Event Tracking            
    Student Student Program Participation            
    Student Student School Association            

    Nurse Assistant

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Add-on for office staff assigned to assist nurse
    • Nurse assistants
    • Health
    • Cannot edit info regarding student office visits
    • View all alerts; Set and mass update medical alerts
    • View student information including address, phone number, contacts, independent contacts, alerts, attendance, conduct history, enrollment, events, program participation, and schools with which they are associated
    • View which addresses attend which schools
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View health information including conditions, immunizations, office visits, medications, and screenings
    • View the master schedule and student schedule
    Security Access - Nurse Assistant
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core Address          


    Core Contact            
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Health Health Condition            
    Health Health Immunization Definition            
    Health Health Immunization Dose            
    Health Health Immunization Series            
    Health Health Job            
    Health Health Log          


    Health Health Medication Order            
    Health Health Screening            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Schedule Schedule Master            
    Schedule Student Schedule            
    Staff Staff            
    Student Related Student            
    Student Student            
    Student Student Alert        
    • Set medical alerts
    Student Student Attendance            
    Student Student Conduct Incident            
    Student Student Contact            
    Student Student Enrollment            
    Student Student Event Tracking            
    Student Student Program Participation            
    Student Student School Association            

    Override Schedule Max

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on role that is intended for staff that work with student schedules
    • Staff that work with student schedules and need ability to override course maximum for students allowed in section
    • School


    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • Overfill section.

    This role gives districts the flexibility to allow some staff or counselors, but not all, to overfill.

    Security Access - Override Schedule Max
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Student Student Course Request            
    • Allow course maximum override

    Personnel Manager

    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Add-on combined with other roles
    • Stand-alone combined with school assignment
    • Personnel that manage district’s or school’s staff information
    • District
    • School
    • Personnel


    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update staff information including:
    • Attendance
    • Leaves
    • Accrual time
    • Certification
    • Demographics
    • Professional development
    • User accounts and security roles
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update information about families
    • Create, delete, and mass update information about any individual in the system
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • Update user security privileges and roles
    • Create and delete user accounts
    • View schools staff members are associated with

    Security Access - Personnel Manager

    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Family    
    Core Person        
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    Staff PD Activity    
    Staff PD Activity Approval    
    Staff PD Activity Request    
    Staff PD Activity Section    
    Staff PD Activity Verification    
    Staff PD Course    
    Staff PD Improvement Goal    
    Staff PD Plan    
    Staff Staff    
    Staff Staff Accrual    
    Staff Staff Attendance    
    Staff Staff Attendance Sub  
    Staff Staff Certification    
    Staff Staff Leave    
    Staff Staff School Association            


    Role Type Intended For Accessible Views Restrictions
    • Standalone

    • School principals

    • School

    • Staff

    • Student

    • Personnel


    • Read learning standards and learning standard course alignments
    • Create, read, update, and delete learning standards assignment alignments
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update rubric scores; and view rubric libraries and scales
    • Manage and edit their gradebook and class web pages
    • View student information, including contacts, independent contacts, alerts, assessments, conduct history, educational plans, enrollment, events, program participation, and school association
    • Create, read, update, and delete student attendance and course requests
    • View district groups, families, and contacts
    • Create direct SQL query
    • Edit Home page layout
    • View curriculum document structure and curriculum map
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update seating charts, assignments, categories, scores, grade scales, gradebook remarks, special codes, footnotes, and gradebook student information
    • Create, read, update, and delete assignments on the assignment submission tool and entries on their user access log
    • View grade post controls and grade term definitions
    • Create, read, update and delete transcript, graduation progress, credit summary, grade point summary, and graduation summary information
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update the setup of report cards and progress reports
    • View information about schedules, including academic tracks, master schedule, bell schedules, periods, days, rules, terms courses, course attributes, course requests, student schedules, and student schedule attributes
    • View information about special education, including student IEPs, accommodations, disabilities
    • Create, read, and update the history of attendance records they have posted
    • Create, read, update, delete, and mass update student journal
    Security Access - Principal
    Category System Table C R U D G M Other
    Assessment Exam Entry      
    Assessment Exam Entry Control            
    Assessment Exam Result            
    Assessment Exam Season            
    Assessment Exam Series            
    Assessment Exam Timetable            
    Assessment Learning Standard            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Assignment            
    Assessment Reporting Standard Score            
    Assessment Rubric Assessment            
    Assessment Rubric Definition            
    Assessment Rubric Learning Standard            
    Assessment Section Reporting Standard            
    Core Address  
    Core At Risk Result            
    Core Cashiers Entry            
    Core Contact  
    Core Documents  
    Core Family  
    Core Fee Item            
    Core Grid Code            
    Core Person      
    Core Portal Notice    
    Core Portal Notice Visibility            
    Core Query            
    • Allow direct SQL query search

    Core Subscription            
    Core Subscription Definition            
    Core System Preference            
    • Edit home page layout

    Core Workflow            
    Curriculum Curriculum Document Structure            
    Curriculum Curriculum Instance  
    Curriculum Curriculum Map  
    Curriculum Curriculum Narrative  
    Curriculum Lesson Plan  
    District Data Foreign Field Mapping            
    Grades Assignment  
    Grades Assignment Submission  
    Grades Grade Post Control            
    Grades Grade Scale  
    Grades Grade Term Definition            
    Grades Gradebook Access Grant      
    Grades Gradebook Score  
    Grades Gradebook Seating Chart  
    Grades Gradebook Student Information            
    Grades Student Grade Point            
    Grades Student Transcript            
    Grades Transcript Definition            
    Organization Organization            
    • Allow XSS bypass

    • Family portal administrator access

    • Gradebook administrator access

    • Student portal administrator access

    Organization Organization Attributes            
    Schedule Class Size Definition            
    Schedule Course
    • Modify course description

    Schedule Schedule            
    Schedule Schedule Bell            
    Schedule Schedule Commit Control            
    Schedule Schedule Day            
    Schedule Schedule Feedback            
    Schedule Schedule Master  
    Schedule Schedule Period            
    Schedule Schedule Rotation            
    Schedule Schedule Term            
    Schedule School Course
    • Allow clone school course

    Schedule Student Schedule  
    Schedule Student Schedule Attributes            
    School School Classroom            
    School School Locker            
    School School Schedule Context            
    Security Security Role    
    Security User    
    • Submit support tickets

    Special Education IEP Data            
    Staff Extracurricular Activity            
    Staff PD Activity          
    Staff PD Activity Approval            
    Staff PD Activity Request      
    Staff PD Activity Section            
    Staff PD Activity Verification            
    Staff PD Course      
    Staff PD Improvement Goal            
    Staff PD Plan              
    Staff Staff            
    Staff Staff Accrual            
    Staff Staff Attendance            
    Staff Staff Attendance Sub            
    Staff Staff Certification        
    Staff Staff Course Work            
    Staff Staff Degree            
    Staff Staff Leave            
    Staff Staff Position            
    Staff Staff Post Attendance  
    Staff Staff Schedule Attributes            
    Staff Staff School Association            
    Student Student  
    Student Student Alert            
    Student Student Assessment            
    Student Student Attendance          


    Student Student Class Attendance  
    Student Student Contact  
    Student Student Course Request            
    Student Student Ed. Plan  
    Student Student Enrollment            
    Student Student Event Tracking  
    Student Student Journal  
    Student Student School Association