Assign a student courier

Aspen lets you assign a courier to help distribute notices to students' homes and cut down on ink/paper costs.

At the beginning of each school year, you can run this procedure to ensure that each household has a courier. Aspen automatically assigns the older student at an address as the courier.

You can change the default courier, if needed. If only one student at an address attends this school, that student is automatically assigned as the courier.

Note: Your district (root organization) determines who can run this procedure and where it appears. The following steps describe one recommended location. See your Aspen system administrator for more information.

To assign or edit student couriers:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Click the Student tab.
  3. Select Options > Assign Couriers. The Student List appears, with students grouped by address.
  4. Search for the student or family you are looking for. To select a different student in the family as the courier, deselect the checkbox next to that student’s name in the Courier column. Select the checkbox in the row of the student who will act as the courier.
  5. Click Save.
Note: For student courier information to appear on Aspen reports, see your Aspen system administrator.