Copy and edit an assignment

You can quickly copy and edit an assignment with just a few clicks.

Example: You might want to re-use an assignment stored in your Planner, but do not want to create it from scratch. Or, you decide to tweak and re-purpose an existing assignment for your new honors section.

You can copy an assignment from your gradebook or the Events view in your Planner.

To copy an assignment from your gradebook:

  1. Log on to the Staff view.
  2. Click the Gradebook tab.
  3. Select the course that has the assignment you want to copy.
  4. Click the Assignments side-tab.
  5. Select the assignment that you want to copy.
  6. Click Details. The assignment details page appears.
  1. To create the copy, either:
    • Click the Copy button.
    • On the Options menu, click Copy Assignment.
  1. The assignment copy appears.
  1. Edit the assignment's name and details, and add resources as needed.
  2. Click Save.

When you copy an assignment in your gradebook, the copy appears in your Planner, on the date specified at the copy's Date due field.

To copy an assignment from the Events view on your Planner:

  1. Log on to the Staff view.
  2. Click the Planner tab. Your Planner appears.
  1. In the column on the left side of the page, select the term, section, and class that has the assignment you want to copy.
  2. Click one of the following tabs:
    • Day to view assignments for one day.
    • Week to view assignment for one week.
    • Month to view assignments for one month.
      Note: The Day and Week tabs display all assignments. The Month tab displays only up to three at a time. A drop-down list appears below the third item if there are more than three items on that day. Click the triangle at the bottom to see the day view when there are more than three items.
  1. At Select view(s), select Events. You can only copy an assignment in the Events view.
  2. Find the assignment you want to copy, and then click it once to highlight it.
  3. On the Options menu, select Copy Assignment. The assignment copy appears.
  4. Edit the assignment's name and details, and add resources as needed.
  5. Review the date in the Date due field, and edit if needed. The assignment copy will appear in your Planner on the date specified here.
  6. Click Save.
Note: If you copy an assignment that is associated with a locked grade term, you will need to change it to an unlocked grade term to save it.