Use Google Docs to collaborate with your students

Within My Resources, you can add Google Docs™ as resources for your own use, to share with your students, and to attach to assignments. Google Docs let you create and upload text documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more.

Using Google Docs as a teacher has many advantages for your classroom, such as:

  • Online collaboration with your students: Students work on the document online, and submit it online. Then, you can score and edit the document and make it available for the student to review.
  • Additional storage space for files: Google Docs are stored in your Google account, freeing up space in your My Resources quota. All Google Docs users get 5GB of storage space for free.
  • Moving towards a paperless classroom: With assignments assigned, completed, edited and scored online, the need for stacks of paper and copies in your room is drastically reduced.

Learn how to do the following:

  • Complete one-time Google Docs setup: You can add Google access to your Aspen preferences with just a few clicks. Select any Google Doc from your account to associate it with an assignment.
  • Add a Google Doc to My Resources: You can easily attach a Google Doc to a homework assignment once it has been uploaded to My Resources. My Resources serves as a central storage area for documents that can be shared with students.
  • Create an assignment using Google Docs: When you attach a Google Doc to an assignment, you can select to make it student editable or read-only. If you make a Google Doc student editable, each student opens their own copy of the file, makes edits, and posts it back to you. If you make a Google Doc read-only, the student can view the document but not edit it.
  • Add a Google Doc to Group Resources so everyone in the class can collaborate on it: On your class Page for a class, use the Group Resources widget to add a Google Doc. You can make the Google Doc read-only or student editable. If you select to make it student editable, each student sees their own copy of the file in My Resources. Group members can edit the document, and all changes are tracked. The original remains in Group Resources.
  • Review and score Google Docs: You can enter comments and scores for a Google Doc posted or submitted by a student. You can also add the score to the Gradebook for students to view.