Combine multiple requisites

For some courses, you might need to combine pre- and co-requisites to account for all the requirements students must meet to enroll in a course.

For example, a student might need to complete Honors English 9 and American Literature or English 9 and Contemporary Literature before enrolling in Creative Writing. Also, you might require that students take Journal Writing at the same time.

First, define the Honors English 9, American Literature, English 9 and Contemporary Literature pre-requisites for Creative Writing. Then, define the Journal Writing co-requisite for Creative Writing.

Then, you can combine the requisites in the way you need to.

To combine requisites:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Click the Schedule tab.
  3. Click Requisites on the Courses side-tab. A list of the requisites you created appears.
  4. Note: Be sure to use the Filter menu to determine which requisites appear in the list. You can select to display Prerequisites only, Co-requisites only, Direct Requisites, or All Records.

  1. Select one of the requisites you want to compound.
  2. Select the Compound Requisite checkbox. The Requisite List section of the page appears.
  1. Click Add. The list of other requisites you created for the course appears.
  2. Select the requisites you want the system to consider in addition to the requisite you have currently selected, and click OK. These appear in the Requisite List.
  3. Click the Relation drop-down to select the And or Or relationship for the courses listed.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Continue to define these combinations for each of the requisites you need to.