Define exceptions, weights, and decimal places displayed for District grade calculations

When you create transcript definition columns for grades such as final averages, your district might use XMLClosed eXtensible Markup Language to create a formula that is used to calculate such values. Within the formula, you can include the following:

  • Define how many times an exception should occur, and/or in which terms the exception should occur for the exception result to apply.

For example, you might define that students who either receive three F grades in any of the terms, or receive two failing grades in Term 3 and Term 4 receive an F for the final average:

<column id="FinalExm" weight="2" />

<exception grade="F" result="F" count="3" columnIds=T1Grd,T2Grd,T3Grd,T4Grd/

<exception grade="F" result="F" count="2" columnIds=T3Grd,T4Grd/

<exception grade="P" result="" count="2" columnIds=Ex1,Ex2/

<exception grade="" result="" count ="2"/>


Note: If the number of times an exception should occur is not defined, the system assumes “1”.
  • Assign different weights to specific grades. These weights can be applied to all courses or only to courses with the same schedule term:

<group termCode="FY">

<column id="Q1Grd" weight="10"/>

<column id="Q2Grd" weight="15"/>

<column id="Q3Grd" weight="20"/>

<column id="Q4Grd" weight="20"/>

<column id="FinalExm" weight="30" />


  • Define the number of decimal places that display for average columns. For example, use this formula to display two decimal places:

<grade-average use-trends=“false” ignore=“I,P,Fail,SP,WA,”scale=“2”>

  <column id=“Q1GRD” weight=“2”/>

  <column id=“Q2GRD” weight=“2”/>

  <column id=“Sem1Ex” weight=“1”/>


Note: If the scale attribute is missing, then no decimal places will be used.
NoteIf the appropriate preference is selected, teachers can override and customize the weights specified in the grade calculation for transcript average columns. However, grade calculations that are grouped to specific grade terms cannot be overridden and customized by teachers.