Use the Quick Sort option

You can quickly sort the information in any column within Aspen – on list pages and in pick lists. Click a column header to sort the records in ascending order. If you click the column header again, the records sort in descending order. The system remembers up to three different sorts per list and saves them as a custom sort during your current Aspen session. Note that the last column header you click serves as the primary sort for your list.

Note: If you want to create and save a custom sort, use the Sort Order menu.

To return to the default sort for the page, click the column header for the first column on the page.

To use the Quick Sort option:

  1. Go to the list page or pick list that you want to sort:
  2. Click within the borders of the column header that you want to sort. Those records are sorted in ascending order, and a triangle appears next to the header name Sort Ascending icon. . For example, click Department to have records sort from Admin to Tech Ed.
  3. To change that sort to descending order, click the column header again. The records sort from Tech Ed to Admin, and the triangle in the column header is now inverted Sort Descending icon. .
  4. If you want to add a second and/or third level of sorting, click another column header(s).


    • The system stacks up to three levels of sorts, with the last column header clicked serving as the primary sort. For example, if you click Name, then YOGClosed year of graduation, then Date of Birth, DOB is the primary sort (youngest to oldest). Within that sort, records are sorted by YOG (lowest year to highest year). Finally, within each of those sorts the records are sorted alphabetically by name (A-Z).
    • Aspen remembers your selection(s) as a Custom Sort option on the Sort Order menu until you log off. Or, simply click other column headers to create a new custom sort. You cannot save a custom sort.
    • If you created a Quick Sort and then select the Modify List option, Quick Sort is automatically disabled so that you do not accidentally lose your changes.